BCMGS Visit www.mtgoats.ca for facts, photos and videos about mountain goats



Heli-ski certification service Learn more
Official BC Wildlife Viewing web site http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/viewing/publications.html
Wikipedia entry for the mountain goat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_goat
Wikipedia entry for an extinct mountain goat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrington%27s_Mountain_Goat
Woodland Park Zoo - Seattle, Washington http://www.zoo.org/animal-facts/mtngoat

Yukon Wildlife Preserve has captive mountain goats



Title Comments
Marco Festa-Bianchet and Steeve D. Cote. 2008.  Mountain Goats, Ecology, Behavior and Conservation of an Alpine Ungulate.  Island Press. This is the best and most complete long-term study of mountain goats to date. It's available from Amazon.ca or directly from Island Press.
British Columbia Ministry of Environment. 2010. Management Plan for the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) in British Columbia This is the most comprehensive study of the mountain goat in BC. It also includes important standards such as helicopter flight clearances over mountain goat habitat. (download here)
Bruce L. Smith, 2020, Life on the Rocks, A Portrait of the Mountain Goat, (available from Amazon.ca) An excellent overview of the mountain goat.
Scientific Papers

Laurence Turney, 2004, Non-Alpine Use and Movements of Mountain Goats in North-Central British Columbia

A study of canyon and escarpment mountain goats (View here)
Laurence Turney, 2022 Babine Mt Park Survey This survey reveals many shortcomings of the hunt management system in BC in 2022. (View here)
Counting Mountain Goats – Smithers Method Our new method for conducting aerial population counts for mountain goats (view here)
Bar-On, Phillips, and Milo, 2018, The Biomass distribution on Earth Need a reason to advocate for wildlife? Humans outweigh wild mammals 8 to 1. (view here)
Mainguy et al. 2008, Mating Tactics and Mate Choice in Relation to Age and Social Rank in Male Mountain Goats
Possibly the best study of the mountain goat rut and based on field observations, this study has implications for the goat hunt in BC. (view here)
Clague and Ward, 2011, Pleistocene Glaciation of British Columbia The last ice age in BC affected our mountain goats. The entire province was covered with ice just 12,000 years ago. (view here)
Jeremy B. Ayotte at al, 2006, Chemical Composition of Lick Soil Mineral licks are vital to many mountain goat herds. This paper is all about analysis of the lick soils. (view here)
Katarzyna Nowak, 2019, Mountain Goat–Klondike Highway Interactions in the Southern Yukon A study of mountain goats crossing a busy highway at high risk to both motorists and the goats. (view here)
Kevin S White et al, 2017, Projecting the future of an alpine ungulate under climate change scenarios Mountain goats in SE Alaska versus climate change - be sure to sit down before you read this. (view here)
Katarzyna Nowak, 2018, Molt Phenology in the Mountain Goat A study that examines hundreds of photos of mountain goats to link the date of mountain goat molt to climate change. Uses unique data and analysis. (view here)
Contagious Ecthyma in British Columbia, no date or author We have two incidences of this disease in mountain goats in the Bulkley Valley. (view here)
Kevin S. White and David P. Gregovich, 2016, Mountain goat resource selection in relation to mining-related disturbance
An interesting study of mountain goats near a mining project. (view here)
Kevin Hurley, 2004, NWSGC Position Statement on Helicopter-supported Recreation and Mountain Goats A review of science that addresses the impact of helicopters on mountain goats. (view here)
Alejandro Gonzales-Voyer and Marco Festa-Bianchet, 2003, Dynamics of Hunted and Unhunted Mountain Goat Oreamnos Americanus Populations A study that shows the sensitivity of mountain goats to hunting harvest levels and makes recommendations. (view here)
Daryl Hebert and I. McTaggart Cowan, 1970, Natural Salt Licks as a part of the Ecology of the Mountain Goat All about mineral licks and why mountain goats need the sodium. (view here)
Thomas V. Dailey, 1988, Travel in alpine terrain: energy expenditures for locomotion by mountain goats and bighorn sheep Snow depth is critical when mountain goats travel in winter. (view here)
Steeve D Cote et al, 2013, Do Mountain Goats Habituate to Helicopter Disturbance?
A long term study of mountain goats and repeated helicopter exposure (view here)
BC Govt, 2011, Mountain Goat: Proposed Regulation to Reduce Harvest of Females, An important new regulation regarding harvest of female mountain goats (view here)
Bill Jex, 2007, Observational Spot Monitoring: Tamihi Logging Limited’s Harvest Operations A study of mountain goat response to nearby logging (view here)
Aaron B. A. Shafer et al, 2010, Hot Spots of Genetic Diversity... in an Alpine Ungulate DNA analysis shows that mountain goats moved back into BC from both the south and the north after the last glaciation (view here)
Steeve D Cote and Marco Festa-Bianchet, 2001, Birthdate, Mass and Survival in Mountain Goat Kids: Effects of Maternal Characteristics and Forage Quality A Caw Ridge study of mountain goat kids and the factors that influence survival (view here)


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